10 Amazing Facts about Love!

The contemporary people think that they know everything about love and relations. But it’s not true. Love is a magic and not everybody knows its secrets. But we definitely know some facts about love which are absolutely unbelievable!

– The most popular wedding song

According to the researches, the most popular song for the first dance at the wedding is the song of Bryan Adams “Everything I do”.

– The best love Potion

The best love Potion is not vine, but pomegranate juice. The scientists have found that pomegranate juice contains most vitamins and nutrients that affect our hormonal level. So according to the scientists after a glass of pomegranate juice people become more passionate and excited. So this juice may be the perfect drink for a date.

– The longest kiss

The record for the longest kiss was set in Great Britain. The longest kiss lasted 31 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds.

– The number of lovers

The scientists have found that the average person falls in love at about seven times before finding a real soul mate.

– The chemical reaction

Strange, but true: the chemical element contained in the men’s sweat attracts women. So Russian women while choosing her man pay attention to his natural scent. But of course according to the famous movie “Scent of a woman”, every woman also has her unique scent which makes a man to fall in love with her!

– The first love

A lot of people believe that it’s impossible to live happily ever after with a person you fall in love for the first time. But statistics give a chance to the first love. Statistically, two of five men get married with their first love.

– A kiss goodbye

Doctors have found that husbands, who regularly kiss their wives before leaving for work, live five years longer than those who run away in a hurry, without saying goodbye to his beloved. So kisses are almost a medicine against aging.

– A wedding ring

Do you know why we wear a wedding ring on the ring finger? This tradition was founded in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in the fact that through this finger goes the “a vein of love”, which is connected directly to the heart.

– A marriage proposal

It turned out that one of the most popular places in the world to make a marriage proposal is the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

– Wonders in a cup of coffee

Every 10 000 marriages a year start with the affair which began during a coffee break. So try to make little breaks every day. Maybe today’s lunch break will be the beginning of your happy love? You can start searching for a Russian bride right now! Because life is too short to live it without love, agree?

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