How to Show a Lady that You Want to Ask Her for a Date

Of course, all people communicate with the help of speech, but apart from common words there are also non-verbal ways of communication, and you can use them, for example, to show a lady you like, that you want to ask her for a date. Besides, looking at her reaction on your signs, you will also understand whether your should proceed your plan or better step back and not to bother yourself.

The simplest and the most widespread way of making the first non-verbal step is your look. With the help of glance you can see the woman’s reaction on you. If her pupil becomes broader when she looks in your eyes, this is a good sign meaning that she likes you.

Make her some hints. For example, talk about some movie you would like to see, but complain that you don’t have anyone free to go with you, but you have been waiting for this movie for the whole year and really want to watch in on Saturday’s evening, but don’t want to go alone. If a woman keeps on pretending that she doesn’t hear your straight idea of going with you or at least doesn’t say that she would also like to see it, you may not continue.

Try to ask her about her plans on weekend. If she is busy, you will at least receive a topic for conversation, if not – this is your chance to make her rest less boring and to spend great time together.

Pay attention to her, spend more time, try to find it for her even if your a busy or tired. She will appreciate this, and you will have higher chances to become her couple, as every woman would like to have a man by her side who can sacrifice something for her.

Listen attentively to what she tells you. Women like to talk, and they love those men who can listen to them. Besides, the more you listen – the better you understand her way of life, interests, hobbies and other aspects.

If you have serious intentions towards some ladies, better tell about her your friends. If it happens so that they meet all together and they suddenly ask you who this lady is, she will feel very unpleasant and will come to conclusion that you don’t accept her seriously.

Don’t forget that the lady you like is special, so she requires different attitude: more gentle, more soft and more attentive. She will feel this for sure. She will not only be pleased by such attention but also probably show you in return that she accepts your actions and is not against spending time with you and even more.

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