How to make her parents like you?

How to make her parents like you?

In the life of every young person always comes a point when it becomes necessary to get acquainted with their beloved parents. Of course, if the relationship between young people seriously, the guy will have to demonstrate all his charm and make every effort possible to please the relatives.

Sometimes this knowledge is necessary, for example, if a girl is very dependent on parents forbidding her to spend free time in the company of strangers, or friendship with them can open up new prospects for the guy and opportunities. In any case, for a young man it is very important that the girl’s parents made about him the most favorable impression and learn to trust your potential in-laws.
How to make her parents like you?
To achieve respect for the girl’s parents to help the guy tolerance and civility. It is necessary to clearly define them your position in life, tell about yourself, your work, goals and future plans, as well as on how the young man plans to ensure his future family, even if the place of work will be forex market, however, to specify during the first meeting that he was going to marry their daughters, there is no need.

For obvious reasons, the young man is much easier to find common interests with the father of the girl. If he is an avid hunter or fisherman, you can somehow go together to fish, but if Dad is a serious businessman, you can jointly attend a business fair or conference, or undertake a technical analysis of the stock market, unless, of course, you are a little versed in these matters. But with his mother it is better to be as sensitive, courteous and helpful.

To inspire confidence in parents, rigidly controlling daughter, man can give his father a mobile phone number. If marriage is not included in the plans for the young man, and parents feel differently, even polite statement of unwillingness to marry in the near future, may be not liked. On staged in the forehead question of marriage should be prepared in advance some philosophical answer, which does not hurt and is not an irate girl’s parents.
How to make her parents like you?
If the girl’s parents forbid her to meet with a guy, maybe they do not mind this relationship, but simply check the strength and seriousness of the young man senses to their daughter. In this case, a guy like you must get to know her parents as soon as possible, even if to do so would not be desirable – alternative civilized solution to the problem does not exist. In any case, the young man should never take the girl’s parents as a personal enemy, preventing him happiness. Only in his own abilities to turn the parents of his girlfriend, and if not friends, then very good friends.

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