Saint Tatyana’s Day is Celebrated Today on January 25

Saint Tatyana's Day is Celebrated Today on January 25

Tatyana’s Day is celebrated in Russia and Ukraine on January 25. Read in our article about the holiday features, its traditions and superstitions.

Saint Tatiana was a Christian martyr in 3rd-century Rome during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus. She was a deaconess of the early church. She is revered by the Orthodox and Catholic churches. In Russia, Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of Moscow state University and all students, as well as in Ukraine.

Holiday traditions

Usually on this day students light candles for success in school and university, they pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult education.

On this day, people baked bread loaf in the form of the sun, inviting luminary to get back to people. These loaves were eaten with the whole family, so everyone got a “piece of the sun”.

Saint Tatyana's Day is Celebrated Today on January 25
Tatyana ID:146161
Saint Tatyana's Day is Celebrated Today on January 25
Tatyana ID:149057
Saint Tatyana's Day is Celebrated Today on January 25
Tatyana ID:163443
Saint Tatyana's Day is Celebrated Today on January 25
Tatyana ID:174945
Ladies made small brooms out of rags and feathers on this holiday. It was believed that if the lady discreetly puts such a whisk behind the stove in the house of the guy she likes, then he definitely will be going to marry her, and their joint life will be long and happy.

But since it’s the 21st century, the beautiful ladies are looking for love on and just invite men to chat. They open their hearts and dream about harmonious relationship.

You can send wishes to your wonderful Tatiana with angel’s day and make her a surprise.

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