Fidelity, Intimacy and Trust in Relationship

Fidelity, Intimacy and Trust in Relationship

Most of people are lonely because they can not let anyone in their hearts. Somewhere deep there is a fear that, trusting in others, they will regret it. At the same time, each of us unconsciously seeks to find the second half and build a harmonious relationship. Reliability and trust – the key to this.

But harmony is impossible when love is faced with fear and distrust. It turns out that in order to protect themselves people become closed, closed on themselves, tending to receive more than they give.

Genuine intimacy goes hand in hand with reliability. Unfortunately, it has almost lost value in modern life. Broadcast media embedded people’s minds with the images of independent, cheerful, open-minded and not too binding relationship. People live, losing himself bit by bit. Media often do not take the quality and quantity of the most different and most of them meaningless images. What is now called the inner freedom and looseness it is often a beautiful but deceitful guise of the infamous promiscuity and emotional beastliness.
Fidelity, Intimacy and Trust in Relationship
People who seek to love and accept each other for real, sincere desire to maintain the reliability and loyalty, emerges as an inner need, not as an imposed self-restraint. Everything that happens between two loving people like the filling with light and magic of the sacred connection between the bowl. Love does not accept double standards. There can be no compromise on the most important pillars on which rests the credibility, sincerity and unconditional acceptance.

People break up, when not yet able to draw on the pure canvas, which was bestowed in the beginning of the relationship. And before you learn how to build relationships, life will show your own reflection in all its glory in the face of a man who seemed to know.

If both partners in a relationship live according to the laws of the soul and conscience, then they deserve harmony, then comes something that man alone can not. There is the same relationship, the dream of all, but that so rarely happens in practice. And bring her for intrigues simply unreasonable.
Fidelity, Intimacy and Trust in Relationship
This is wisdom. This conscience is relaxed and people live happily without being distracted by fears. Everyone makes their own choices because of their understanding and clarity of consciousness. In your power to make this choice now, and then the day-to-day life begins to change. Perhaps these will be days and weeks when it seems that despite your mutual honesty, life is unfair. But, as a rule, so she pushes to the right choice totally, all the more subtle level. And at some point no longer remains any doubt, all the masks are broken, and the light fills life.

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